Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School Special-- Nutrition 101

I know! Where did the summer go? It seems like just last week school let out for the summer and I could resume the normal speed limit through the school zone beside our house. Well, within the past few weeks the yellow lights have started flashing again which means only one thing. School is back in session.

Today I want to go back to the basics. This is Nutrition 101. Many of you are aware that on August 6th our first child, Josiah, was born.

He is cute and loves to eat. And guess what? He likes to eat every 2 ½- 3 hours. Sometimes he will extend it to four hours but you get my point. One of the first things we teach our clients at Fitness Together is to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day rather than 2-3 large meals. This alone helps many clients feel better and control their weight without any special “dieting”.

I know this is probably review for most of you but I encourage you to pause and ask yourself, “How many meals a day do I eat?” And when I say a “meal” it can simply be a piece of fruit, cup of yogurt, a granola bar, a protein drink…it does not have to be a four course meal and depends on your daily caloric needs. Eating more often keeps your blood sugar constant and helps prevent people from overeating or gorging themselves if they are only eating twice a day. If you need some other “meal” suggestions ask your trainer.

Below is a picture of Josiah and I watching the 2008 Olympics. We are watching the men’s 100 meter track and field final. The first person who responds correctly to this post and can tell me the country the winner was from will win a prize. I'll give you a hint, the correct answer is not Michael Phelps or the USA.


Anonymous said...

Pj -

The winner of the 100 meter dash was from Jamaica.

Bill Lamphere

Jon Dale said...

Jamaican Usain Bolt

Anonymous said...

Hi PJ,

Great blog and post. I love the picture of your new baby boy. He is precious.

And I have to agree with Bill, the winner was from Jamaica and his nick name is "Bolt" ... and he did bolt out of the starting block for the race!

I look forward to more interesting info from you!

Linda Halladay

Anonymous said...

Josiah is precious!! Love the pic!

~melissa :)

Julie said...

That has to be the cutest baby I've ever seen! And great reminders, Coach!

PJ said...

Yes. Jamaica it is. Bill L. was the first to answer correctly and will receive a Starbucks gift card. Usain Bolt of Jamaica won both the 100 and 200 meter races setting world records in both of them.