Monday, December 15, 2008

How To Survive Holiday Weight Gain

Many people experience holiday weight gain.

Why you may ask?

It is because of all the holiday gatherings, work parties, Christmas cookies, New Year's Eve smorgasbords...

Josiah and I have put together our Top 10 Do's and Don'ts to help you avoid holiday weight gain.

10. Do redefine how you judge yourself by what you eat.

Don’t define yourself by what you eat. You are not “good” if you eat a salad nor are you “bad” if you eat fudge. They are both foods. It is the amount that you eat that matters.

9. Do mix exercise with family commitments. Plan a day hike, a ski trip, or a snow-shoeing adventure.

Don’t use the excuse that because family is in town you can’t exercise.

8. Do establish a home workout routine including push-ups, lunges, crunches, wall-sits and planks.

Don’t make the excuse that you don’t have time to go to the gym.

7. Do acknowledge the holidays will affect your exercise and eating to some extent. Focus on weight maintenance rather than weight loss.

Don’t use the holidays as a license to not exercise and/or overeat. Also, do not adopt the “all or nothing” mentality. If you feel you “blew” it by eating a doughnut at breakfast, more than likely, you will continue to overeat the rest of the day if you let that feeling prevail.

6. Do change your definition of being full. A good goal is to eat until you are 4/5ths full. You should be able to get up, go outside, and take a brisk walk after any meal.

Don’t eat until you are stuffed or in pain!

5. Do plan on NOT dieting after the New Year. Anticipation of food restriction sets you up for binge-type eating over the holidays. (“after all, if I’m never going to let myself eat this after Jan 1., I better eat as much as possible now!”)

Restrictive diets DON’T work in the long run. They increase your loss of lean body mass vs. fat, slow down your metabolism, increase anxiety, depression, food preoccupation, and binge eating, and make weight re-gain more likely.

4. Do say NO to “food pushers”. Aka Aunt Darlene, Grandma Betty, the secretary at work…

Don’t even mention the word diet. Instead politely refuse by saying, “No, thank you. It smells divine, but I am really full.”

3. Do make your focus enjoying good friends and family.

Don’t make your focus of the party its food.

2. Do choose your beverages wisely. Alcohol has a high calorie content. Choose water or diet soda instead.

Don’t drink too much alcohol as this lowers your inhibitions and you are more likely to overeat
and drink too much.

1. Do have a light snack before heading out to the party or buffet. Try a fresh piece of fruit, 6 oz of yogurt, string cheese, or raw vegetables.

Don’t go to the party hungry or skip meals so that you can eat more at the party.

Have a great Christmas and New Year!

PJ and Josiah

Monday, November 17, 2008

The All Natural Flu "Shot"

Tis the season for sniffles, sore throats, and sharing germs. Some of our clients get flu shots. Others, like myself, do not. So, I asked Kate to put together a Guide to Winter Wellness that would help our clients and their families stay healthy throughout the winter and "flu" season. Here is what she had to say.

With the weather getting colder, more people are packed indoors in close quarters. This increase in close contact increases the passing of germs, and with the cold dry air, germs tend to stay airborne longer increasing your chance of collecting them. Without your immune system in top shape you are at risk for catching everything from the common cold to the flu (which can hang on for weeks). Here are seven helpful tips to stay healthy and keep your immune system at 100% throughout the winter months without barricading yourself in your house avoiding all human contact.

1. Pick a natural kick – Energy wanes in the winter when the days are shorter, but jump-starting your day with several cups of Joe may undermine your immune system. “Caffeine stresses the adrenals, the glands that sit atop the kidneys and support the body’s immunity and energy,” explains herbalist Madelon Hope. “Cold weather already compromises the kidneys, the source of our energy and vitality.” Opt for a non-caffeinated, herbal tea instead like nettle tea which is a natural energizer.

2. Eat to increase your immunity – Nutrients that can help boost immune functions include Beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E, and Zinc. Beta-Carotene is an important antioxidant and is found in oranges, carrots, yams, cantaloupe, and green leafy vegetables. While eating certain nutrient rich foods can help boost immunity, fats, especially saturated, and cholesterol have been found to depress the immune system and interfere with white blood cell function. Saturated fats and cholesterol can be found in animal products (meat, whole fat dairy products, and whole eggs).

3. Try a 10 minute relaxation exercise
– Stress is the immune system’s worst enemy. Whether you are dealing with situational stress or long duration emotional stress it can wreck havoc on your immune system and your body’s ability to fight off germs. “Over time, high levels of stress hormones dampen the immune system,” says Timothy McCall, MD. Research shows that as little as 10 minutes a day can help relieve physical symptoms of stress and boost immunity.

4. Keep moving – The cold weather is no excuse to become a couch potato this winter. Daily exercise can help boost your immune system by increasing your heart rate which in turn increases the circulation of white blood cells, finding and fighting germs early on. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each day combining strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Research has found that women who are physically active daily combining strength training and cardiovascular exercise are three times less likely to catch a cold then women who participate in only light stretching. Just don’t overdo it, too much exercise can weaken the immune system instead of enhance it.

5. Have fun – Researchers at Loma Linda University in California discovered that looking forward to an event boosts immunity. They compared the stress levels of two sets of students – one group was anticipating a positive experience; the other group was feeling neutral. Those in the first group had lower levels of stress hormones, including cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline), which are known to weaken the immune system over time. “Our studies show that biological changes take place before and in anticipation of an event. Specifically, detrimental stress hormones decrease when you look forward to something you enjoy,” says Lee Berk, the study’s lead author.

6. Just add water – To the air and your body. Researchers recently linked the spread of the flu to winter’s low humidity, meaning moisture may be a natural weapon against airborne germs. The theory is that germ-infused droplets from sneezes and coughs stay airborne longer in dry air. But moisture in the air (humidity) makes the droplets grow too large to float, and they fall to the ground. Consequently, you’re less likely to inhale them. A humidifier is the best way to increase your home’s humidity level, says Anice Lowen, a microbiologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. When you add moisture to the air, remember to add it to your body as well. Low humidity can dry out mucus membranes. Aim for at lest 6-8 glasses of water (non-caffeinated) each day. Courtesy of Yoga Journal Magazine.

7. Revel in your relationships – Loneliness can have a negative impact on your immune system. In a 2005 study, researchers asked college freshman to keep daily diaries charting their levels of loneliness, mood, and stress, then followed up with calls and emails to see how each student was faring. The students got flu shots and had blood samples taken throughout the study. The students who had only a small social circle and who reported high levels of loneliness tended to have struggling immune systems. So, reach out to others with shared interests and stay connected to stay healthy.

OK. It is time for the question of the week. The winner will be entered to win 3 free personal training sessions just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions. The drawing will take place January 1, 2009.

This week the “question” is a little different. I am looking for the funniest caption to the picture below. You have until 5pm on Wednesday to post your caption to the blog. I will then review all the entries and pick my favorite. Remember point 5 above was “Have fun”!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Biggest Loser: Inspiration or Frustration?

Here is a picture from last week’s seminar. You will not want to miss the next one. It is titled, How to Survive the Holidays and Even Lose Five Pounds! and will be Thursday, December 11th at 7pm. You can register online today:

My blog title poses the question: Is The Biggest Loser Inspiration or Frustration?

Well it depends! I get both responses from my personal training clients. Actually last week at our How To BOOST Your Metabolism Seminar, Kate and I had a Q & A at the end. One of the questions pertained to the frustrations many have at watching the contestants on TV’s, The Biggest Loser, lose double digit weight each week when their weekly efforts do not amount to anything near the results.

Let me start with the inspiration it does offer some of our clients and then I will address the frustration it can cause, too.

I think many are inspired by the hope and determination that some of these contestants have to change their lives. I mean after all, “hope deferred makes the heart sick.” In a world abounding with scary newspaper headlines and frightening TV news reports who could not use some hope in their life? Also, aren’t we all motivated by the underdog doing the impossible? Why do we love movies like Rocky, Rudy, and Miracle? I mean when a 300 pound person loses 150 pounds, that is inspiring!

We love winners! We want to be a winner.

I also know from working with hundreds of clients that when they are determined to make something happen or to make a change in their life they often succeed.

Here is a quote from season 4 contestant Julie Hadden, “I want to be genuine in what I say, because I know that a lot of people could look at all of us from The Biggest Loser and say “Yeah anybody could do it with those resources.” But it really is all about what lies inside of you. It may take someone longer but anything worth having is worth working for. And there is so much truth to that saying, “Nothing TASTES as good as being healthy FEELS!”

Now, that is only half of the story. Every year when a new Biggest Loser season begins I start hearing some grumbles and frustrations from our clients because they are not seeing the weekly weight loss results that many of the contestants see.

I found this quote in a New York Times article, “Some former contestants have cautioned home dieters to stop comparing themselves to what they see. Kai Hibbard, 29, from Eagle River, Alaska, lost 118 pounds last season. She recently wrote on a blog that in the two weeks before the finale she severely dehydrated herself using asparagus (a diuretic), colonics and six-hour stretches of hopping in and out of a sauna.”

First of all, let me encourage you that health and fitness is a lifestyle. Any good doctor will tell you that safe and healthy weight loss guidelines are one to two pounds per week. And if you kept that up for the course of a year then you could lose up to 100 pounds safely and keep it off. Secondly, many of these contestants are starting out often in excess of 300 pounds so they will naturally shed weight faster than someone who may only have 20-30 pounds to lose.

The other thing I often hear is, “I have a life. I don’t have six to eight hours a day to workout like the contestants.” It is reported that season 5 contestant Ali Vincent ran, swam, hiked and biked up to eight hours a day for six weeks prior to the finale. Season 4 contestant Julie Hadden says, “Everyone on the show worked hard. Working out 4 to 6 hours a day is no joke.”

Exactly. You do have a life. That is why it is important to exercise and take care of yourself. Remember, The Biggest Loser is a made for TV reality show. It has to be dramatic or people won’t watch it. Again, I believe consistency is the key. If you are able to get 30-45 minutes of exercise 5 days a week then you have more than enough time to take care of yourself physically. If your life still feels too busy for that then listen to Julie Hadden once more.

“I also know that it’s human nature to put off the difficult tasks. I did for years and years. So my best advice to anyone is to start today. Take it slow, but get started. The only way you’ll see a difference is to move more and eat less. Don’t look at the big picture all at once; take it one day at a time. Set small, achievable goals at first and then celebrate them when you get there. But the most important thing you’ve GOT to do is believe you are worth the effort. Because you are!”

So, as a new year approaches and your minds turn to creating New Year Resolutions, I want you to have hope and determination that it is possible. Just remember it is a lifestyle. It takes time.

You too can change your life. If you do not feel confident in yourself or feel that you lack the motivation or discipline to follow through in creating a nutritional and exercise plan and then sticking to it please call me. I would love to help.

Have a great Tuesday!


OK. It is time for the question of the week. The first person to correctly respond with the right answer and post it as a comment to this blog will be entered to win 3 free personal training sessions just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions. The drawing will take place January 1, 2009.

Question: How many additional calories must one burn to lose 1 pound of body fat?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The stock market and your calorie count

Wall Street might be declining but your health does not have to. I wanted to write today to give you all some hope and encouragement. If you have been watching the stock market on a daily basis for the past few weeks then you are sure to be vulnerable to stress and anxiety. One day it’s up (like yesterday’s record breaking day) and then the next day it is down. Many of my clients are experiencing some level of stress due to the unpredictable financial market we have been experiencing. Prolonged stress and anxiety can lead to depression. Stress, anxiety, and depression are all hard on your physical and mental well being.

First of all, I want to say on a macro level that the market will rebound. Real estate will bounce back. Retirement is still an option. We just have to get you there.

Secondly, I want to give you a few ideas that if you implement into your life I guarantee you will feel much better. In times of hardship and stress whether it be the falling stock market, the loss of employment, rising gas prices, the upcoming elections, or a relationship conflict do not neglect the things your body and mind need most to thrive during these times. These are:

1. Sufficient sleep
2. Regular exercise
3. Proper nutrition
4. Fresh air and sunshine
5. Talking with family and/or friends

To get regular exercise you may purchase a yoga video and do that each evening after work or you might decide to hire a Fitness Together personal trainer to meet with on a regular basis. An easy way to incorporate sunshine, fresh air, and friends is to go on a lunch time walk with some co-workers. Some of the most basic things you can do for your nutrition is to drink plenty of water, get some fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, eat five to six smaller meals, and watch your portion sizes. These are the very things I want for all of my clients as I try to instill in them that health and fitness is a lifestyle. And these healthy lifestyle habits are even more crucial in times of high stress and anxiety. If you are currently not doing any of these stress managing things then try to implement just one per week and see plus feel the difference.

Josiah reminds me daily that all is well!

OK. It is time for the question of the week. The first person to correctly respond with the right answer and post it as a comment to this blog will be entered to win 3 free personal training sessions just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions. The drawing will take place January 1, 2009.

Question: These are lyrics from an Alabama song. Yes, I do listen to country music!

“Well somebody told us Wall Street fell
But we were so poor that we couldn't tell
Cotton was short and the weeds were tall
But Mr. Roosevelt's a gonna save us all.”

In that same song they allude to a unique type of pie. Name that pie. The reason I ask is because this very ingredient is a great way to get in one fresh vegetable. I am not suggesting you eat the pie form because it can be loaded with a lot of sugar and fat but possible in a baked form. So, what is that pie?

So please take care of yourself this week and find some sunshine.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To detox, or not to detox: that is the question

Q: Hi Kate (or PJ, not sure who reads this email most of the time),

I got a book from the library this weekend called "The One-Day Detox Diet". It starts with 7 days of liver and colon building and then one day of only drinking water and a citrus/cranberry drink (recipe included in the book) and then 3 more days of the liver and colon building ( So, even though it is a one day detox it's really 10 days of eating what the book says to eat.

I'm assuming this would be a good idea to do as it detoxes the body of toxins and chemicals but thought I'd ask what your thoughts are.

Seems like this might be a good 'kick-start" since I've been sort of stuck at this weight for a month.

A: This is a question I get a lot. This is an actual email we received this week from a client whose permission I have to share her question. If you are fans of NBC’s Thursday night, The Office, you will know that the season premiere was last Thursday. One of the plots going on was that Dunder Mifflin, the paper company portrayed in the sitcom, had a corporate contest to see which branch could lose the most weight over the summer. So, Michael Scott, their boss, had them on a strict diet. At one point the camera zooms in to a sick employee, Kelly, who is trying to get down the latest “cleanse” consisting of maple syrup, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. Now here is the funny but sad part. My wife and I looked at each other and said we have both tried that exact cleanse formula.

Let me also say this answer has NOTHING to do with the particular book or website mentioned by the client. I have not looked at either of them. There are dozens of similar books, websites, and cleanse diets out there. I want to approach the subject in a broader manner. I assume some of you might even disagree. And actually, Kate, my manager who has a BS in Human Nutrition, Dietetics, and Fitness ended up responding to the question and here is what she said.

“I would love it if you brought the book in so I could see what foods it prescribes for you to eat for the 7 days before the fast, the recipe for the fast day, and the 3 days after. I am normally not a fan of fasting because it is not ideal for one’s body to deprive it of food for long periods of time...But, if the diet recommends adequate nutrients leading up to and after the fast then I would not be as skeptical.

If you eat a healthy balance of food/nutrients on a regular basis (and don’t eat a lot of processed foods) then your body really doesn’t need to detox or cleanse. The liver and kidney already act as “cleansers” of the body, ridding it of any toxins produced by foods you have consumed and byproducts of bodily functions. This is more than adequate for a healthy diet, with some room for foods with less than stellar nutritionals. If you are eating a lot of processed foods with little nutritional value and or large amounts of alcohol (ie: alcoholics), then it could be too much for the ability of the kidney and liver to detoxify the body and a dietary/medical intervention could be needed to help the body recover. But I doubt your diet could be anywhere near severe enough to necessitate a serious cleanse.

If you are interested in jump-starting your metabolism and really cleaning up your diet it could be a good starting point. I would love to look at the book and even your current diet to suggest any changes that you could make to get you off the “plateau”.

Let me know if I answered your questions, and if I can answer any other questions/concerns you have.

Take care,

I might also add that I am having a free "How to BOOST Your Metabolism Seminar" at Fitness Together on Thursday, October 23rd, at 7pm. This will be a great place to get more info on “jump-starting your metabolism”. You can sign up at our website I have also written a free report of the same title that can be downloaded on our website. Both resources are on the right hand side of our homepage.

OK. It is time for the question of the week. I let Kate pick this week’s question as well. The first person to correctly respond with the right answer and post it as a comment to this blog will be entered to win 3 free personal training sessions just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions. The drawing will take place January 1, 2009.

Question: How many calories does a Chipotle steak burrito with black beans, rice, cheese, sour cream, two sauces, and lettuce have? And this doesn’t even account for chips, guac, and a drink. Again, I am not coming down on Chipotle as I eat there often. I love their barbacoa fajita bowl! I am stressing portion control and splitting portions with a friend or saving it for later. I will give credit to the first person who answers +/- 50 calories of the correct answer.

Have a great week and enjoy half a burrito.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Special Delivery

OK. The “special delivery” aka Josiah actually came about six weeks ago but he’s still special to dad.

But there was another special delivery this week. It was the delivery of our NEW website. I encourage you to check it out. There are free downloads, our Fall seminar series calendar, a video, and more.

But before you go there I must say how fun it was to have a trivia question for you to answer in the last blog post. It was so successful I am going to add a question each time I post. The first person to post the correct response as a comment to the blog will be entered to win 3 free personal training sessions just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions. The drawing will take place January 1, 2009. If you know the answer go to the bottom of this post and click on the word “comment” to leave your answer.

Question: How long is the small intestine of a human? Hint: Think feet and not inches!

Don’t forget to visit our NEW website!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School Special-- Nutrition 101

I know! Where did the summer go? It seems like just last week school let out for the summer and I could resume the normal speed limit through the school zone beside our house. Well, within the past few weeks the yellow lights have started flashing again which means only one thing. School is back in session.

Today I want to go back to the basics. This is Nutrition 101. Many of you are aware that on August 6th our first child, Josiah, was born.

He is cute and loves to eat. And guess what? He likes to eat every 2 ½- 3 hours. Sometimes he will extend it to four hours but you get my point. One of the first things we teach our clients at Fitness Together is to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day rather than 2-3 large meals. This alone helps many clients feel better and control their weight without any special “dieting”.

I know this is probably review for most of you but I encourage you to pause and ask yourself, “How many meals a day do I eat?” And when I say a “meal” it can simply be a piece of fruit, cup of yogurt, a granola bar, a protein drink…it does not have to be a four course meal and depends on your daily caloric needs. Eating more often keeps your blood sugar constant and helps prevent people from overeating or gorging themselves if they are only eating twice a day. If you need some other “meal” suggestions ask your trainer.

Below is a picture of Josiah and I watching the 2008 Olympics. We are watching the men’s 100 meter track and field final. The first person who responds correctly to this post and can tell me the country the winner was from will win a prize. I'll give you a hint, the correct answer is not Michael Phelps or the USA.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Boosting Metabolism

You are probably reading this blog with a few questions in mind. Most people are really only concerned with their metabolism because there is a question behind the “How can I boost my metabolism?” question. You may be asking how can I boost my metabolism so that I can lose weight? Or you may be saying when I was younger my metabolism was so much higher- is there anything I can do to boost it? Or some of you are asking how can I boost my metabolism so that I can eat dessert without gaining weight?

It is true that there are factors that you may not be able to control such as age, genetics, gender, stressful circumstances… But there definitely are ways to boost your metabolism. I am going to give you eight of them. But, first, I want to give you some words of encouragement about weight loss.

Yes, weight loss is important if you are overweight. Being overweight can lead to diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, difficulty breathing… But weight loss is not the only indicator of health. There are many other equally important indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure, flexibility, cholesterol, hip/waist ratio…

As the owner of a personal training studio I see daily how our culture’s idea of beauty as “thin and sexy” has damaged us. Many women struggle with body and self-esteem issues because of it and that saddens me greatly. So, I say all of that to encourage you to strive for health and wellness and not only the ideal body image. The ideal body image is an illusive target. Very few find it. It is usually “just” five more pounds and I’ll be happy. Then five more. Then five more. And the person is never happy. I want life and health for you and I hope this report will offer that to you.

Now to the eight metabolism boosting tips I promised.

Tip #1 Build lean muscle.
This is one of the best things you could do for yourself. Most people walk, jog, or do some form of cardiovascular exercise to burn calories and it works. But the problem is that the calories are being burned only while you exercise. The fact is that your metabolism is working 24 hours a day and one pound of lean muscle burns 35 calories per day while one pound of fat burns only 2. So, if over the course of the next 6-12 months you lose 25 pounds of fat but add ten pounds of muscle, then you boost your metabolism to burn 350 more calories per day. In order to do this you will need to strength train at least three times per week. If weight training is new to you then I would suggest hiring a certified personal trainer to design a program for you and show you the correct form and technique.

Tip #2 Move your body.
All sedentary people can boost their metabolism just by going for daily walks. A suggestion is to walk over your lunch break or after dinner. But the most effective boost is going to come from high intensity cardiovascular exercise and especially interval training. Again, if this is new to you I suggest seeking the help of a certified personal trainer who can design a program that is the right intensity for your age and current level of fitness. You do not want your program to be too easy nor too hard.

Tip #3 Eat 5-6 smaller meals rather than 2-3 per day.
Your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy if you wait too long between meals. And you are more likely to overeat because you are so hungry if you stick to the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule.

Tip #4 Break the fast.
Eating breakfast gets your metabolism fired back up after a 7-8 hour fasting state while you slept.

Tip #5 Snack smart. (This tip comes to us via from Samantha Heller MS, RD, Senior Clinical Nutritionist at New York University Medical Center.)

Center your snacks on a lean protein paired with a complex carbohydrate or fat. Protein requires more energy for digestion without spiking your insulin levels. Snack ideas include yogurt and fruit, a little peanut butter with an apple or whole grain crackers/bread, or hummus with raw vegetables.

Tip #6 Don’t starve yourself.
Too few calories will send your body into a starvation state causing it to store more calories than it burns. Also, you will not have the necessary energy to do the lean muscle weight training or high intensity cardiovascular exercise that was suggested earlier.

Tip #7 B-Vitamins and Magnesium. (Also, from Samantha Heller MS, RD)
B-vitamins are an integral part of metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats and in energy production. Foods high in B-vitamins include spinach, beans (navy, black, soy), asparagus, fish, and eggs. Magnesium is a mineral needed in over 300 chemical reactions in the body including metabolism and energy production. Sources of Mg include spinach, halibut, almonds, cashews, peanuts, soy beans, whole grain cereals, and oatmeal.

Tip #8 Drink water.
The energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively. One way to drink more water is to opt for at least one glass of water with all meals.

So, there you have eight tips to help you boost your metabolism. They will work. Our bodies operate within certain rules of nature just like gravity. If I throw a brick in the air it will eventually come down. If you consistently move your body and eat well, your metabolism will optimize itself. I wish you all the best in your quest for health and happiness.

About PJ Musilli: PJ is the owner of Fitness Together in Colorado Springs, CO, and holds a BS in Health and Physical Education with a concentration in Sports Medicine. He is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). PJ resides in Colorado Springs, CO, with his wife and son. For more information about PJ’s personal training program or to have him speak at your event visit or call 719-598-5777.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Team FT

I just wanted to write and let all my clients know how proud I am of them. In particular we have one client who is nearing 25 pounds lost and another who is 2 away from 50 pounds lost. You are in the minority. It takes effort and discipline to achieve such results. You have made a lifestyle change and that is to be applauded. We also have a client who recently retired and hasn't worked out for 15 years but wants to make sure they are able to enjoy their retirement so they have started training with us three times a week. And we have other clients whose goals do not equate to weight loss but health and longevity and they are here faithfully for all of their workouts even amidst the summer heat.

Also, Fitness Together is one of the sponsors for this Saturday's 5K Run For Rwanda. It is a fundraiser to benefit the community of Kibali, Rwanda. All proceeds will help build a much-needed health clinic and fund education and anti-poverty programs. If you are interested in this 5K Run/Walk you can get more information at


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


My name is PJ Musilli and I am the owner of Fitness Together in Colorado Springs (Rockrimmon). This blog was created for YOU! I am not a writer but I like to communicate. Also, one of the necessary components for any successful exercise program is accountability and having someone to share the joys and struggles with. I want this blog to be that place for all of my Fitness Together Clients. If you are serious about getting in shape and want advice, tips, motivation, and real life success stories then you have come to the right place!

At Fitness Together, we offer a unique approach to personal training. Our motto is "One Client, One Trainer, One Goal!" This means that each Fitness Together client works with his or her personal fitness consultant in a fully-equipped, private training suite so that there is no waiting on equipment, no distractions, and no unwanted stares.

Results come quickly at Fitness Together because we not only create a complete fitness and nutrition program designed to meet your goals and needs, we motivate you and hold you accountable every step of the way.

To learn more about our fitness programs, fitness consultant bios, and clients success stories visit

Stay tuned for more from Fitness Together coming soon...