Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Your Personal Health Care Reform

Open up the paper. Look on the internet. Turn on the news and I bet you hear the words “health care reform”. Regardless of your opinion on the President’s latest plans for health care our personal health is arguably the most important asset we possess. So, I began to think, “What is health? What does healthy mean?”

Are you healthy? How does one know? I looked up the definition of healthy. It is, “possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality: a healthy body; a healthy mind.”

Then, I looked up the definition of health. It is, “the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health.” I found it quite interesting that both definitions alluded to the mind. So, I want to talk a little about a healthy mind.

The majority of the people I come in contact with have issues not only with their physical health but also “mental” health. Sometimes it comes in the form of emotional eating. Sometimes it comes in the form of low esteem. Sometimes it comes in the form of lack of confidence in themselves. Sometimes it comes in the form of unbelief.

I want you to take a mental inventory. What “thoughts” are getting in your way? What unproductive, negative thinking is keeping you from your best? Yes, you may be a little out of shape or 15 pounds overweight but it is never too late BUT don’t let that little voice tell you it will never change. No, you aren’t 20 anymore and yes there are a lot of aches and pains associated with aging BUT don’t let that little voice tell you that you are doomed for life. No, you may not be able to (fill in the blank) today BUT don’t let that little voice tell you it is not possible in 6 months.

Many of you work very hard on your physical health on a regular basis. Don’t forget to spend some time and resources on your “mental” health as well because I personally believe your physical health is directly impacted by your “mental” health.

Have a great day.