Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Economy And Your Health.

If Josiah had a theme song it would be, "Don't Worry, Be Happy"!

I write to you as friends today and not mere client of Fitness Together. Many of you know that I have a holistic view of health. At FT we deal heavily with the physical health component. But there is also mental health, social health, financial health, spiritual health, relational health, and career health.

I have spoken to many of you and know the economy has been very taxing on your mental health, financial health, relational health, career health, and physical health.

Then, there was the Swine Flu scare. Once again fear and panic started to spread through the media and across the country and people’s mental health, social health, and physical health began to suffer.

As real as the economy is and its impact on many of you and, yes, the Swine Flue does exist (oink-oink) I encourage you to do a few things today.

First, think of at least three things that you do have going for you. It could be simply your good health. You may have a great family. For others at least you still have a job? What are the things in your life that you do have going for you?

Secondly, I want you to focus on only the things you can control. And pretty much that is limited to yourself. You can’t control what the stock market will do today or tomorrow. But you can develop a financial plan and budget that will help you survive these challenging times. Maybe you pick up a Dave Ramsey book at the library on budgeting?

You may not be able to totally eliminate all the stress in your life but you can choose to manage it with regular exercise, good nutrition, and talking with friends about it.

You may not be able to control the fact that your company has to give you a pay cut or even worse let you go but you can choose to see it as an opportunity to really explore your life and ask some soul searching questions.

One man I heard of had this response:

“I was laid off on March 9th 2009 with no warning after working for a major manufacturer for 11 ½ years. When I told my wife, her response was, "Good. Now you can go and do something you want to do."

So, do bring to mind some of the things that you do have going for you and focus on only the things that you truly can control- mainly yourself.

I wish you all the “health” in the world. Not only physical health but mental health, career health, relational health….

Peace and blessings!